BB2 Champion, Lawyer and Makeup Artist Juliette Freire Saiya Justa was the special guest on Wednesday night (26), sending a message about the importance of vaccination against Chovid-19. She held up a sign that said, “The vaccine has saved,” “We don’t want to lose anyone else.”
“For God’s sake, trust science, trust the vaccine, trust the doctors, the people who give their lives for it, protect ourselves, we don’t have to lose anyone else,” Juliet said on the program.
On the 12th, actress and presenter Menica Martelli visited Zia Justa and talked about the importance of immunization against Kovid-19.
“It simply came to our notice then. That’s what I said: ‘Just two doses of an already existing vaccine would save you, my dear’. It goes to lust and then to pain and then to anger. This lament we are experiencing is not mine, it belongs to one country, with only one slogan: ‘Two doses of vaccination already exist’. It will be a milestone in the mourning struggle for Polo Gustavo and more than 428,000 Brazilians. This pain I feel is not just my pain, ”Menika said at the time. Today, the country has already lost more than 450,000 people.
Prone to fits of apathy. Unable to type with boxing gloves on. Internet advocate. Avid travel enthusiast. Entrepreneur. Music expert.