As expected, one of the first objects observed by the James Webb Space Observatory was a star Arendal Between 40 and 100 solar masses (“Earendil”) is a new candidate for the title of the most distant star in our universe. “Morning Star” in March this year found Telescope “Hubble”, which still remains a contender for the title of the most distant. Observations of the web should either confirm or disprove this position.
The “morning star” is indicated by an arrow. Image source: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI (Coe, Welch, Larson)
Right now, the title of the most distant is the star LS1, or “Icarus,” whose existence has been confirmed to the universe for 4.4 billion years. Gravitational lensing has made it possible to see that light from a distant object on its way to us passes by massive objects in the form of stars or black holes and is magnified thousands of times. While studying the constellation WHL0137-08, a new candidate, the Erendel star, was discovered. The star itself is located beyond this cluster in the galaxy WHL0137-zD1, and a combination of circumstances allowed the light from the star to pass through such a path that its image was magnified 9 thousand times and was clearly visible. background of its native galaxy.
James Webb collected data on the Morning Star on July 30 under the JWST Proposal 2282 program using the NIRCam and NIRSpec cameras. Observational data are analyzed, including determining the star’s spectral type, luminosity, and temperature. It is believed to be an object between 40 and 100 solar masses in size, although this has not yet been confirmed. If Arendal really did become a star, it would have been discovered when our universe was 900 million years old. At this distance, you can’t really see the galaxy, but there’s an entire star here, which would be a major feat for Earth science.
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