Home Economy Ita Airways, Lega and Fratelli d’Italia still hold sales to Air France and Sertares. The government wants to shut it down before the elections

Ita Airways, Lega and Fratelli d’Italia still hold sales to Air France and Sertares. The government wants to shut it down before the elections

Ita Airways, Lega and Fratelli d’Italia still hold sales to Air France and Sertares.  The government wants to shut it down before the elections

New grumble against government decision on Eta Airways “Lufthansa has removed the option, yes but nothing is written in stone. “The new government will not accept an offer without a job guarantee for all ETA employees and a strong business plan,” he said. Federico FreniSpokesperson for the League and Undersecretary for MAF, speaking about the selection of the consortium Led by Certares to privatize the company. “The final decision on the preliminary agreement – he adds – will definitely be left to the new government”. Two days ago the leader of the brothers in Italy Georgia Meloney He reiterated his position: “I remember that the current government has to do the minimum because the parliament has been formally dissolved, so I don’t think such a strategic thing is the responsibility of this government. I can pronounce myself when I have the papers”.

The government has decided to hold special talks with Sertares is funded by Air France and the US for sale 51% A company born from the ashes of Alitalia. A decision that surprised many observers, giving the advantage to the competing consortium Msc Lufthansa. The choice is based on the orientation of the Ministry of Economy, which owns 100% of the company, and the position of CEO Fabio Lazzerini. Another “party” of the government led by Palazzo Chigi’s economic advisor Francesco Giavazzi and President of Ita Alfredo Altavilla He leaned toward another solution. However, there is a possibility of returning to the first stage after the election on September 25 and the assumption of power by the new government. Mario Draghi The closure of the operation has been made a point of respect and a preliminary agreement will be signed before the election. But this won’t end the game forever.

“Meff has done serious and rigorous work. It would be too bad to start over,” he said today Antonio Missionary of the Democratic Party). “Georgia Meloni worries me when Draghi wants to rewrite the path written by the government. I hope the picture of 2008 does not repeat itself. It was a tragedy: billions burned by brave captains,” he said. What was learned from the Minister of Labor Andrea Orlando He would have demanded it in the cabinet in the morning to move forward With the option identified for the future of Ita Airways, it is underlined how important it is to prevent the state of relations reached in industrial relations with social partners from being damaged. “We asked for one Meeting with the government to understand better The content of the offer was best evaluated by Mef in time to evaluate the merits of the offer. The work part cannot be a forgotten part or look out the window, there is a strong need to engage in such an important process”, said the Secretary General of Uiltrasporti. Claudio Tarlazzi.

The European Union Commission is now monitoring. “We have no specific comments.” The spokesman said Daniel Ferry, deliberated in a daily press briefing on the sale of Ita. “When it comes to a possible acquisition, as always, the companies themselves must inform the Merger Regulation Commission if they form a concentration under EU merger control and if they have an EU-wide dimension”. Ryanair’s number one, on the other hand, did not take it well Michael O’Leary: “It was a shock to me that Ita’s tender did not go to Lufthansa. I think it’s a political thing.”. According to the CEO of the Irish company, “Lufthansa would have been a better partner for Eta than Air France-KLM and Delta”, adding the top manager, underlining that “Air France poisons everything it touches” and “not even them”. Know how to manage your own company.

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