Thursday, October 10, 2024
HomeTop NewsIreland records a budget surplus of more than €8 billion for the...

Ireland records a budget surplus of more than €8 billion for the third consecutive year

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AFP Videos – France

Sophie Binet asks Barnier to “bury” unemployment insurance and pension reforms

CGT number one Sophie Binet on Wednesday called on the government to “bury” the unemployment insurance reform and “cancel” the pension reform, during a second day of meetings between the social partners and the prime minister. The CGT informed Michel Barnier and the Minister. The Minister of Labor told us that Sophie Binet, “Astrid Panossian-Bouvet”, shared the fact that, at this stage, “the need to decisively bury the reform of unemployment insurance” and to establish compensation laws, “the need to return control to social workers in the field of employment and unemployment insurance for the elderly,” a Miss Binet reported at the end of the hour-long interview. The Montreuil trade union center, which opposed pension reform, also judged that there was “no other solution than repeal” and suggested “a funding conference for our pensions”. CFE-CGC president François Hommeril agreed at noon. With this it was judged that “reformation is not good”. “Repealing it is the best position, the best solution,” he continued, and Ms. Binet warned the head of government on the question of pay, “There is no problem claiming to increase the net pay. By reducing the gross pay”, to the detriment of social protection. “The prime minister listened to us respectfully and told us he wanted to be useful to the country,” said Sophie Binet. But, she continued, “our concerns remain and that is why the CGT is calling for workers to mobilize” on October 1, along with the FSU and Solidaires, calling for a salary revaluation, the cancellation of the pension reform, and resistance. When asked about Bruno Retailio's (LR) declarations on immigration, the public authorities said they were “extremely concerned that some of the far-right words are coming from the mouth of the interior minister”. After calling Economy Minister Michel Barnier to order on Tuesday because of his statements about the Republican arch, Sophie Binet reckoned that “the prime minister cannot submit to the wishes of Marine Le Pen”. Consultations continue. Thursday with the CFTC, CPME and U2P.bat/spe/abl

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