Engineer Sergey Gordiyev has a solution for everything, although not always the most conventional. Last video of his channel YouTube His latest invention went viral: a cycle When the rear wheel is split in half, it usually works.
The video belongs to the YouTube channel ‘The Q’, of Gordeev, an engineer settling in Ukraine. ‘The Q’ is already there About 13 million subscribers His most viewed videos include a cardboard soda dispenser and a giant match.
However, it’s his latest creation that has caused a stir on social networks this week. Gordeev built a bicycle The second wheel broke in half It works normally. As he states in the video description: “It’s daily math like this: 0.5+0.5=1, so bike math should work too.” Indeed, the bicycle moves without problems even through the streets Go down the stairs without crashing.
The engineer shows the entire creation process in a short video. The most interesting thing is the half of the rear tire Do not inflate with airBut they are made of hoses.
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On the other hand, many Internet users did not find the innovation positive. Instead, users Twitter They expressed their anger because, as they argue, the cycle brings more harm than good. Some of their observations are the weight, the use of hard-to-replace parts, and the space required to store it.
Check out the video of the unusual bike here:

Problem solver. Incurable bacon specialist. Falls down a lot. Coffee maven. Communicator.