In March, industrial production prices rose in the Eurozone and the European Union (EU). Portugal recorded its third-largest monthly increase (2.3 percent).
According to the European Statistical Office, industrial output prices rose by 4.3 per cent in euros and 4.5 per cent in March in the same month in 2020.
Compared to February this year, industrial production prices rose 1.1 percent in euros and 1.2 percent in the European Union.
Ireland (21.2%), Denmark (10.4%) and Belgium (9.3%) recorded the highest inflation in industrial output. Cyprus (-3, 0%), Slovakia (-0.6%).
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On a monthly basis, the largest increases were recorded in Ireland (7.9%), Spain (2.5%) and Portugal (2.3%). Only Estonia (-1.6%) recorded a decline.
Compared to March 2020, industrial production prices rose 3.7 percent in Portugal.
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