But for business or personal reasons, experts warn, regardless of the possibility of talking to anyone at any time. Mobile Never get caught in some places.
Pants pocket
It is not recommended to carry the phone in the back pocket of the pants as the phones have touch screens so you can easily call the emergency number without even knowing it. Some research has shown that up to 30 percent of emergency calls are accidental. Also, you can easily break or lose.
Make sure you are addicted
Research in the UK shows that 53% of users suffer from nomophobia, i. Dependence on these devices.
Make sure you have nomophobia:
You can never turn off the phone.
You are checking messages, missed calls and emails.
Keep recharging your battery to avoid accidentally betraying you.
Never go to the toilet without a mobile phone.
In hot places
High temperatures are detrimental to the electronics of the device. It is not recommended to leave the phone in a car or in a place exposed to sunlight.
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Under the pillow
Do not hold the phone under the pillow. If you receive frequent notifications at night and the screen illuminates, that light and electromagnetic radiation adversely affects the production of the sleep hormone melatonin, so you will not sleep for long. When you cover your phone with a pillow, you increase the risk of overheating, which can lead to a fire, especially if it is connected to a charger. It is best to charge from bed, never overnight. It also affects the battery life.
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