Despite being closed for two months in the first prison, by 2020 the activity of filming or series in Occitania continued to be particularly intense.
Despite two months’ imprisonment, shooting days are on the rise, with 31 films fully or partially produced by 2020, with never-before-achieved scores, technicians, professionals or local actors never working this summer ല്ലാം Occitania’s health check-up at the end of 2020 Unable to win.
Illustration activity in the area.
The 2021 outlook seems to confirm this trend. Seven or eight feature film projects are already being prepared: Audrey Florot, Emmanuel Davos, Eric Caravaca, Guy Marchand or Frank Dubosque will soon be in La Grande-Mote, Seth, Montpellier or Pyrenees-Oriental and Oriental. France Televisions is expanding its studios in Vendorgeus to film new fiction.
Not to mention the harvest of the expected reward next Caesar, the gifts in the major categories can be considered calm. The Oscars horizon with the title shot between the Guard and the Herald is not a pipe dream.
Occitany is far ahead
In other words, while supporting national statistics, Ositani no longer has any rivals outside of the Ile-de-France, as a host country for filming in France.
This (big) black point remains: if TVs and platforms are always ordering more programs than can be seen quickly on multiple media, and more and more feature films are piling up on the shelves of the broadcasters each month, theaters should be closed. Because all these pictures are filmed everywhere and all the time, now wait and deserve only one thing: it will be displayed on a big screen.
Blockbuster: Matt Damon in Ode!
Ridley Scott’s portrait was painted in Font Freud Abbey
With the final duel, we are undoubtedly shooting for the most glorious film to be hosted in Occitania in 2020. Let’s judge: a Hollywood blockbuster acquired by Disney in the early twentieth century, starring those luxurious actors (Matt Damon, Adam Driver, Ben Affleck, Jodie Comer, Killing Eve series), director Ridley Scoot, director, alien, blade runner, On Tuesday. A medieval play that tells the story of one of the last legal duels seen in France following a confrontation and a debt of honor that must be erased between a knight and his square.
The production for this beautiful film has been researched on several historical sites. Before they were found, they were found in Ireland, France, Reim, and, therefore, in Ude, Fontfroyd’s Abbey, and the town of Norbonn. Filming ended in March 2020, just before the first prison ax fell, where a team including Ridley Scott, Matt Damon and Adam Driver traveled to film the scenes needed for a week.
“It’s a great adventure, a great collaboration,” said Marin Rosenstyle, who is in charge of hosting local filming at Occitani Films. They privatized Abby and, moreover, will not be represented as an abbey on screen for a week. The main tongue. This is an arrangement that could have been rebuilt in a studio in Los Angeles. Because a big movie like this often doesn’t happen! “
“Quick turnaround!”
Marin Rosenstyle is in charge of the Ositani Films Film Commission.
Responsible for hosting shoots at Occitany, how did you experience this extraordinary 2020 year?
Between March 17th and May 11th we were all amazed. Previously, contrary to all expectations, a recovery in the caps of the wheels. To resume filming, everything resumed after a lot of discussion about the conditions for returning to the sets, health protocols, and insurance issues. This is the first time tomorrow’s daily series has resumed, even the first filming to resume in France.
Has a movie or series shooting that was interrupted in the first prison not been properly canceled?
No, we were very lucky. Because stopping a movie for good is really tragic. At the time of the first imprisonment there were three film shoots in our area, all three resumed and completed. Ditto for everyday or series like Tandem or Candice Rhinoceros.
In a completely new context?
Yes. The Occupational Health and Safety Committee defined the health protocols to be followed in filming nationally. In it appeared a new profession: Kovid Reference. This is very strict. In the second imprisonment, in accordance with these health protocols and barrier gestures, it allowed us to pass between drops and continue to work.
Is this increase in activity sustained over time?
Absolutely! Another big surprise was the high concentration of filming in the summer, unlike what we had seen in previous years.
Because in Occitania, which is very touristy, we traditionally shoot less in the summer: everything is more expensive (for example rent for teams) more complicated, there are a lot of people, there is more crowding everywhere, and so on. This year, we had a very busy summer because the spring shutdown months of activity shifted to the summer. This is a national observation, and is notable in our country compared to our habits.
What turned out to be welcome in this time of financial crisis …
Of course, because everyone in this field has worked: technicians, actors, and so on. We even saw an unprecedented situation: there was a shortage of technicians at the end of summer and the beginning of fall. Too many shoots, too much work, we couldn’t find anyone. Again, this was a national phenomenon!
And for those with intervals other than the white year
, That is welcome. This is because, unlike the live entertainment sector, the filming activity is more maintained than ever.
Is the closure of theaters a concern for the film?
Here. Tragedy is the end of dramatic exploitation. With two major consequences. First, a virtuous system ceases and there is no increase in income. The French system in particular allows a portion of American blockbusters’ access to finance the films of more vulnerable authors. So it is clear that the non-reopening of theaters will adversely affect the economy of feature film. The second factor is the potential for traffic jams when theaters reopen, which has a large exit. Many movies will be released and their screen time will be significantly reduced.
Has the cessation of festivals also complicated the situation?
The right to compensation for intermediaries has been extended to August 31, 2021, announced by the President in May.
Wannabe twitter trailblazer. Troublemaker. Freelance beer evangelist. Amateur pop culture nerd.