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NASA has unveiled a new image of the Sun Nebula, 2,100 light-years from Earth, in the constellation Cygnus.
The US space agency (NASA) has released a fascinating new image of the Veil Nebula Telescope Spatial Hubble.
Astronomy / Spectacular Image in Space!
NASA and ISSA are publishing an amazingly updated photo of the “Veil Nebula” taken by the Hubble Space Telescope to emit gases from the remnants of a supernova that formed 8,000 years ago …– Jose Antonio Gandia (ose Jose_Antonio_G) April 3, 2021
The nebula is located 2,100 light-years from Earth in the constellation Cygnus. The researchers explain that they used Hubble’s new image processing methods to highlight the smallest details of objects, including ionized oxygen wires (blue), ionized hydrogen, and nitrogen (ionized).
Proceed from a supernova
Weil emerged from the nebula The explosion of a supernova It is about 20 times the size of our Sun, which formed about 10,000 years ago. This dark cloud covers about 110 light-years.
Hubble first photographed the nebula in 1997. The space telescope has since been upgraded, making it possible not only to obtain more details but also to compare the evolution of the nebula.
In September 2015, a video was broadcast offering a zoom from Cygnus to the Veil Nebula:
Spatial curiosity about Hubble
Last February, Hubble immortalized two rare phenomena of baptism Materials from Herbig-Harrow (HH), More than 1,400 light-years from Earth:
These are small nebulae associated with some of the younger stars, which form when the objects emitted by these stars collide with the surrounding clouds of gas and dust, at the rate of hundreds of kilometers per second.
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