Some beneficiaries suffer from this system Anniversary Social insurance from standing for hours to get a pension, and those who want only 5 steps can transfer the pension payment through mobile electronic wallets following the following steps:
1- Go to the branch of the payment authority to get approval to stop paying pension from it, there is no objection to transfer of pension to another channel.
2- Go to the insurance district in which he / she belongs to submit that approval as an official document to transfer the pension to another payment authority.
3- Go to the nearest branch of the mobile company that includes your mobile phone line and do the following: If your mobile phone does not have e-wallet, open an e-wallet and fill out an insurance payment request form. For the e-wallet account, sign and obtain the source of the request.
4- Go to the insurance area he belongs to to submit the original application along with the rest of the documents required to distribute the pension into your electronic wallet.
5- You will receive an SMS to confirm the transfer of the pension to your electronic wallet and to dispense the pension from any of the available channels (Mobile Company Branches, Service Providers Branch, Fourie, Aman, ATMs).
The mobile e-wallet service allows mobile users to open an electronic wallet (a mobile phone account) on a mobile phone line registered in your name, and make financial transactions electronically through the mobile phone (using the USSD or application for smartphones). Delivery outlets save you time, money and effort with a guarantee of privacy, confidentiality, protection for you and your money, all the time from your mobile phone.
You can go to one of the branches of mobile companies or banks with your mobile phone and subscribe to the service for free and open an electronic wallet, and the employee will look at the origin of a valid national number card and fill out the contract with you. Be sure to read the data carefully before signing the contract and know the terms, conditions and terms of service.
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