According to a suggestion of Einstein’s theory of relativity, gravity is related to the curvature of space-time. If there are curves, this can lead to defects in the optical and other ranges of visible or recorded distant space objects. If there are very large clusters of matter in the path of light propagation from distant stars, the visible image of the position of the stars will be too far away from reality, which can no longer be ruled out.
Image Source: S. Rodney (U.S. Carolina), G. Brammer (Cosmic Dawn Center), Jr .; Dipasquale (STScI), p. Lorson (Cosmic Dawn Center)
Due to the effect of gravity lensing, errors in observations are creeping in, the true extent of which has not yet been determined. In addition, dark matter and dark energy contribute to the role of uncertainty in these processes. Understanding the distortion processes of registered phenomena and their ability to predict will help science learn more about the universe and its processes.
Fresh Article Magazine Natural astronomy International Team of Astronomers Shared The unique observations of Supernova SN-Requiem were observed simultaneously in 2016 in three different parts of the sky. The 2019 images and all images were captured on the Hubble Space Telescope in the infrared, showing no traces of the supernova in the same locations.
According to scientists’ calculations, we handle gravitational lensing. The supernova was far behind a large galaxy cluster. So, the light from it circled on the way to us, and, somewhere gravity was strong, somewhere weak, so the rays from the exploding star came with different intensities from different parts of the sky. Moreover, a route will be delayed by 16 years, and by 2037 astronomers will be able to observe the fourth phenomenon of the supernova SN-Requiem.
Thanks to the SN-Requiem object, scientists can observe the phenomenon of a stellar explosion and evaluate the accuracy of the correction (theory) for defects caused by gravitational lensing. If the predictions are to come true with acceptable accuracy, a lot of adjustments need to be made to the actual sky map.
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