Germany’s new climate target avoids Eastern Europe in particular
“There will be a cabinet meeting next week with the Climate Protection Act”
The federal government wants to significantly increase climate targets. Finance Minister Scholes’ conclusion comes from a ruling by the federal Constitutional Court last week calling for changes to the climate protection law.
The Constitutional Court had abandoned Germany to promote climate protection. The federal government now wants to implement this immediately and achieve climate neutrality by 2045. A country comparison shows how much impact CO2 reduction has had on this country globally.
DThe federal government wants to immediately implement the Federal Constitutional Court’s decision on climate protection in German law. Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) will discuss climate change law reform with the federal cabinet early next week.
Last Thursday, the Federal Constitutional Court ordered the federal government to step up efforts to protect the climate. “CO2-Budget “, still available in Germany, otherwise it will be used by 2030 at the expense of the next generation.
Vice Chancellor Olaf Scholes (SPD) has called for Germany to be completely climate neutral by 2045. The goal of not emitting more carbon dioxide than plants, soil and water can absorb was not actually achieved until 2050.
According to leading climate protection experts, advancing German climate neutrality for five years will have an impact on the European Union as well, with a total zero target not applicable until 2050. “If Germany were zero in 2045, it would only reach zero for other EU countries after 2050,” said Oliver Geden of the Science and Politics Foundation in Berlin (SWP).
Gideon, one of the main authors of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s next assessment report, warned that “this will help bring Lattecomers like Ireland or Poland to the EU level, but it should be seen as critical in Germany.” IPCC
It will not affect the global climate
The milestones on the path to climate neutrality also need to be more precisely defined. Emissions should be reduced by 65% by 2030 compared to 1990 levels. So far, the target of 55 per cent reduction has been applied.
To achieve this goal, CO.2Increase taxes on petrol, heating oil and natural gas. Negotiations meet with coalition reservations: Vice Chancellor Scholes, for example, criticized the negotiated tax increase for neglecting social dignity.
The federal government wants to meet the needs of constitutional judges quickly, and because of the upcoming climate protection conferences. On Thursday, Chancellor Merkel sought to coordinate climate policy goals with other European ministers, heads of state and heads of state in the Petersburg climate dialogue. At the World Climate Conference in Glasgow in November, governments need to make more desirable climate protection commitments.
CO.2The discount in Germany is unlikely to affect the global climate. According to the estimates of the Advisory Council on Environmental Issues approved by the Constitutional Court, there are 6.7 gigatons of CO in Germany.2 along with. A lot like them from that Issued by the People’s Republic of China in six months. In other words: Germany does not always emit even half of CO2, as China does now in a year.
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