Mick Ellison
An artist’s reconstruction of Gansuena Megalotis.
Nationalgeographic.co.id-A team of paleontologists at the University of California, Berkeley, has announced the discovery of two fossils. Donkey That is, 12 to 15 million years. The research team named it Gansuena megalotisA small hyena that now lives in China’s Gansu Province.
Gansuena megalotis Represents the closest transformational relationship with Earth wolf The Termite Eater (Proteus crystatus) lives today. The findings are published in the journal Many Asiatic vertebrates Entitled “A New Generation and New Species of Miocene Hyenaide from the Lynxia Basin, Gansu”.
Of the nearly 100 known known and endangered hyenas, all hyenas are carnivores or omnivores. But there is a strange species that mysteriously chooses to eat termites, namely Ard Wolf or Proteus Christatus.
That surprised many scientists. What happened in the history of hyenas? Why do hyenas, which usually eat green meat, turn to insects?
According to Jack Zeng, assistant professor of integrated biology at the University of California, Berkeley and curator of the University of California’s Museum of Paleontology, Ad Wolf lives in eastern and southern Africa today. Cristata proteinsIs a defect.
“This (Ard Wolf) is really a mysterious animal,” Zeng said.
Dominic Koferley
An ad wolf in Namibia in 2005. Ard Wolf is a locust-eating hyena found only in Africa, especially in southern and eastern Africa.
“Ardovolves are hyenas, but they’s really weird hyenas because they do not do what other living and extinct hyenas do.”
Zeng has examined several hyena bone fossils throughout his career, but none of Ard Wolf’s unique characteristics. Hyenas originated about 22 million years ago, and Ard Wolf appears to have appeared about 15 million years ago.
The results are based on the analysis of their genetic variation from three other living hyena species. However, the only recognizable Ard Wolf fossil is 4 million years old.
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