The first part of the new terminal at Frankfurt Airport has been completed. Now, as always, a major potential customer is out of Ryanair. Airport operator Fraport is calm.
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Audio page Airline Ryan Air leaves base in Frankfurt

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Irish airline Ryanair wants to withdraw from Frankfurt Airport by the end of March and withdraw all flights. However, in the opinion of airport operator Fraport, the decision “has no bearing” on the nearly completed Pier G at the new terminal, which meets the needs of direct flight providers such as Ryanair. In response to the HR request, a spokesman said the company was ready for constant changes in the customer structure.
“By 2026, we expect to be back to pre – crisis levels – including Pier G, so Terminal 3 will not open until then,” a spokesman said. He did not want to say which airline was particularly interested in using the pear. “In principle, all airlines can use it.” However, it is still too early to make decisions about potential contracts.
Pierre G will be ready for use soon – theoretically
Pierre G is designed for five million passengers a year, and is part of the new Terminal 3, which will be built on the south side of the former airport for a total of four billion euros. According to Fraport, it is ideal for direct flights with very small processing chains – no restrooms, no luggage storage facilities, but very short distances. The gate is specially designed with travels to classic vacation destinations in mind.
The Pierre G is now complete, and a Fraport spokesman said: “Tests such as smoke detection and baggage handling are still in progress. When completed, it will go into idle mode.” If necessary, the gate will be operational before 2026 – but that will depend on expanding the number of passengers associated with the pandemic. The other two gates of the new terminal, H and J, are still under construction.
Five years later, it ended for Ryanair
Irish airline Ryanair announced on Friday that it wants to leave its base at Frankfurt Airport. The company attributed the withdrawal to an increase in take-off and landing fees at the largest German airport earlier this year. When the flight plan is changed to March 31 this year, the five planes still stationed in Frankfurt will be redistributed to more affordable airports.
Ryan Air first landed at Germany’s largest airport for its 2017 summer flight schedule, and as an international hub it wants to expand its range of European flights. The airline currently offers two to nine departures a day at Frankfurt Airport and offers the same number of destinations, including destinations in Athens, Malaga, Mallorca, Bergamo, Dublin and Barcelona.
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