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HomeTop NewsFootball: In Ireland, men's and women's national teams receive the same salary...

Football: In Ireland, men’s and women’s national teams receive the same salary – football

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(ANSA-AFP) – Rome, August 30 – Revolution related to the salaries set aside for men and women players in the respective national teams in Irish football.

Players representing the senior men’s and women’s teams of the Republic of Ireland will soon receive the same match bonus at the international level, as part of a breakthrough Irish sports contract announced by the Irish Football Federation.

To reach this agreement, the men’s team agreed to reduce the amount of money players receive per game, so the federation will use this amount to increase the salaries of players.

England, Brazil, Australia, Norway and New Zealand have all publicly pledged to pay men and women equals in international competitions. “This is a great day for Irish football,” said Irish football captain Katie McCabe. With this deal we have taken a big step forward, offering international players the same opportunities and showing the world what they can achieve with unity, “he said. Everton defender Seamus Coleman (59 matches) said: We are happy and we are fully committed to doing everything possible to achieve this together, “said Coleman (ANSA-AFP).

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