Film bundles from “Avengers” and “John Wick” to “Fast & Furious” are now in the Sky Store
Store Sky, Sky customers will now be able to secure all of the movies and their favorite collection with a “click”, which can be extended to their collection of digital film. More than 80 film bundles are available from the beginning: from “Avengers” to “Fast & Furious”, “Harry Potter”, “John Wick”, “Mission: Impossible”, “Star Wars”, “X-Men”
Sky Film-Bundle
Film bundles are about 33% – 50% cheaper than individual films
With Sky Store, users now have the opportunity to buy the entire collection of the best from the purchase of a franchise film series of all-time best with the transaction. From the start, time is the most popular in the 80 and over film series tirannetukkanunt, Popular traileajikalaya John “motive”, “Iron Man” or “The Godfather”, by “Avengers” movies, the eight “Harry Potter” blockbusters “Star Wars: The skaivalkkar Saga” nine pictures from, ten of “Star Trek” movies in the original, eleven “X-Men” films, or the scene keanariyile Daniel kreygin all of the James Bond 007 series abhinetakkaluteyum.
The Best of the individual vannalukalekkal Film Bundles for users with very vilakurannatan: for example, “John motive” triple-feature 19.99 yureaykk (compared to the individual purchase of 33 percent of the profits) is available, nine of “Spiderman” – 52.99 yureaykk (41 per cent savings), movies, and “Fast and Furious” series All nine action hits can be purchased digitally at the Sky Store for. 44.99 (51% savings).
Save to Film Bundle with one click
By the way, the way to digital collection is very simple: you can click on the Film Bundle, complete the purchase process, and easily access individual movies at any time in the Sky Store under “My Content”.
Daniel Schaller, Director of Transactional Business at Sky Dutchland: “School always wants to provide the best entertainment experience at home for its customers. Thanks to the new film bundles, Sky Store is a better digital film library than ever. If you want to permanently securing the largest collections of film series, anywhere, at any time, and they are never easy. “
Via the Sky Store
At the Sky Store, customers have the opportunity to rent or buy the latest movies – usually before the DVD or Blu-ray is available in stores. Movies can be accessed from anywhere at any time, it is the way of the home, mobile or cloud. For example, the new Sky Store film bundles are available on the web through the Sky Q receiver, Sky Q Mini, and Android devices and the iOS Player app.
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