Even British Culture and the Media Minister Oliver Danden announced that he would write a letter to the US streaming service later this week: “I fear a generation of viewers who have not witnessed these events will actually take fiction”, the minister told the “Sunday Mail”.
The younger brother of Princess Diana, who died in a car accident, also thinks the explanations are appropriate. Charles Spencer told ITV television that a hint before each episode was not all that “in the crown”. From Balimia, repeated to a toilet bowl.
But the critique of this series is not limited to Royals relationships. Was the then Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher (Gillian Anderson) portrayed in this series? Her biographer Charles Moore denies that the relationship between the Queen and the Iron Lady is as difficult as depicted in “The Crown”. However, it is certain that Thatcher, among all the royals who loved hunting at the Queen’s Country Estate in Balmoral, Scotland, was uncomfortable and would like to run away.
For Lord Forsyth of the British House of Lords, the series is not far from the satirical show “Spitting Image”. “The Crown” is adored by millions of viewers around the world. This is not easy for the manufacturers as the reviewers scrutinize all the details. Former British generals have criticized the military salute from Queen Coleman: “A bent hand will drive any decent sergeant crazy,” quoted the Times by former General Richard Dunnett.
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