Monday, October 14, 2024
HomeTop NewsECJ: Calcium-containing algae are not allowed in organic beverages

ECJ: Calcium-containing algae are not allowed in organic beverages

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Strict guidelines

Luxembourg (dpa) – Organic food from a natural source but not fortified with calcium. This is out of the judgment of the European Court of Justice (ECJ).

He is a manufacturer of soy and rice drinks from North Rhine-Westphalia that sell organic products. One of them contains calcium-containing algae as an additive (Case C-815/19).

According to the information, it contains mainly calcium carbonate, which is not allowed to enrich organic products. However, the maker of the soy drink argues that because seaweed naturally contains high levels of calcium, it represents a natural alternative. According to EU judges, the dust from the algae is “non-organic” and is not allowed when processing organic food.

The ECJ stated that non-organic ingredients can be used in organic food under certain conditions – for example, when non-organic products cannot be preserved. “However, it is not clear whether these standards have been met in relation to suspicious dust,” the ECJ said.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210429-99-402829 / 2

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