Internet Desk: The technology sector is evolving day by day. In this order people all over the world .. place a lot of importance on their privacy. They are very careful not to let anything of their own fall into the hands of strangers. The people of our country also recognize the importance of privacy and act aggressively. However, no matter how much people pay attention, it is not possible to say for sure whether information about a person is secret in India. A recent incident raises doubts about data privacy in Data India. Let’s go into the full details of this incident which has now become a topic of discussion ..
Usually, it’s okay to talk to someone on the phone and keep it a secret. Sometimes they even share those things with their own family members. A list of such phone numbers. That is why everyone stores information on their phones with various security features. Even so, owning one is still beyond the reach of the average person. A woman revealed this in a post on social media. A woman with a Twitter account under the username Prerana Lidhu recently went to a shop to eat Bhelpuri.
The merchant there .. Bhelpuri put it on a piece of paper and served it to her. Sandeep Rane was shocked to find that the paper in the trader’s hand contained anonymous call history information. He immediately took a photo of the paper, blurred its numbers and posted it on Twitter, saying that there was no data privacy in India and that it was a big joke. Her tweet went viral in a matter of seconds. ‘Do you have a laptop or a smartphone with a camera? Want to use apps in it too? Also, do you have a social media account? But forget your data privacy ‘was one comment.
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