Because of the potential for vague use and leakage of personal data, Aureli Veterans O.D.A. Recommend “Optimize systems that store data locally, not in the cloud. It is also good to favor an object that can be extinguished. In the same vein, favor an object that can disable certain functions if you do not use them (for example: geolocation or automatic data sharing)“.
Moreover, in a context The case is progressing Illegal transfer of European data from Google Analytics to the United StatesAPD recommends to ensure that “Information about what we do with our data and how we transfer it to other organizations or third parties is sufficiently clear and complete.“.”If privacy policy seems unclear, it is best to stay awayHis spokesman concludes, Aureli Veterans.
If privacy policy seems unclear, it is best to stay away
In short, if the connected object collects user data through it And many more Channels, especially microphones, cannot be collected and analyzed in Europe without the consent of the principal concerned.
Admittedly, they are effective Used To draw a specific commercial profile for ad targeting purposes, his mobile phone gives us the impression that he is paying attention.
Finally, some In order to improve the performance of products such as voice assistants, spying sometimes takes place. While it is recommended to be careful about the data you agree to share to protect your privacy, this collection may contain Unexpected and unique effects. That was it Case in point There, a murderer was disturbed in justice by thanking the recordings around him Connected.
Problem solver. Incurable bacon specialist. Falls down a lot. Coffee maven. Communicator.