After eight stages across Europe, the Longines EEF Series Circuit looks set to reach its semi-finals this weekend in Deauville. This Friday, among other things, the much-anticipated Nations Cup took place, during which ten teams competed. In the program: two rounds, twelve obstacles with a maximum height of 1.50 m, fifteen attempts and courses to complete in 84 seconds. The challenge for Belgium, Ireland and Spain met brilliantly – they ended the first quarter with a clean score, while France saw an eight-point penalty at home. In the second quarter, the three leading nations increased their scores … by four points each, thus hitting a barrage. The suspense did not end there! During the jump-off, Belgian Wilm Vermeer and his Joyride S (Toulon), Irishman Kevin Gallagher and Balipatrik Flamenco (J-Time Flamenco), and Spanish player Eduardo Alvarez Aznar (full option) went to Wand Sand (four options). Due to the lack of different scores, there was only one stopwatch left to decide between the three countries … Finally Wilm Vermeyer and Joyride S signed their team to the fastest jump-off for Belgium! Only a few hundredth, the Spaniards had to settle for second place, third behind the Irish.
If the Blues had been able to establish themselves as strong opponents in most of the qualifying stages in which they participated (winners of the Nations Cup in Alborg and second place in Lisbon and Gorla Minor), this was the result. Certainly not expected. With a total of sixteen points, Hobbs, led by Edward Coopery, finished seventh in the team event.
To check the complete and detailed results, Click here.
Emily DuPont
Travel fan. Freelance analyst. Proud problem solver. Infuriatingly humble zombie junkie.