Due to climate change The world Environmentalist Greta Dunberg says the repercussions are worse than ever.
A large rally was held in front of the Berlin Parliament under the leadership of Greta Dunberg to make the world aware of the impact of climate change.
The rally, led by Greta, began in Berlin, the capital of Germany, and took place in London, Rome, and several European cities.
Greta Dunberg speaks at a meeting in Berlin:
“We demand change, we are change. We do not see climate change. The world Suffering the worst consequences of all time. The rapid climate change of such disasters shows just how big of a problem we are facing.
Dunberg said.
Youth-led demonstrations took place in 1,500 cities around the world to highlight the effects of climate change.
Who is this Greta?
“The climate here is bad. The ozone layer that protects the earth is being torn apart by the biogas we emit on the earth. The media has also failed to raise awareness about this. World leaders have no worries about this, you are only thinking about making money.
You stole my future dreams and childhood with your empty words. We are beginning to die. We will never forgive you. ” The world Reason to celebrate throughout.
In addition, every Friday there is an awareness campaign on the effects of climate change The world Leads to Great World Leaders through school students throughout.
Prone to fits of apathy. Unable to type with boxing gloves on. Internet advocate. Avid travel enthusiast. Entrepreneur. Music expert.