Chinese authorities have announced high-level radiation for the first time at the first power plant of the Taiwan nuclear power plant in Guangdong province. This was reported Toss.
Damage to fuel lines can occur due to increased radiation indicators. Beijing ressed that minor breakdowns were inevitable due to the influence of various factors, including the characteristics of fuel production and transportation and loading.
Authorities in the country say five rods have been damaged at the station so far – yet it does not exceed the norm. “NPP operates consistently within the limits established by technical regulations, meets regulatory requirements and ensures the operational safety of the plant,” the statement said.
Taishan NPP includes two power units with a capacity of 1,750 MW, which were commissioned in 2018 and 2019. On June 14, CNN reported that the U.S. government had received information that radioactive fuel may have leaked from the station. The U.S. authorities did not consider the situation to be dangerous for nuclear power plant workers or the Chinese people.
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