Foods are very important in Jenshin Impact. They help to create numerous recipes and complete numerous quests that help players in a variety of disciplines, including health rejuvenation and stamina boosts. One such food item in this game is radish. These contain fiber and contain a variety of nutrients. Here’s everything you need to know about it.
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Genshin Impact Radish Position
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The amazing Merchandise event runs from October 26 to November 2, 2020. Players will be rewarded when they hand over the requested items to Merchant Liban. On the seventh day, the trader will request players to bring 10 radishes.
- Item Type: Recipe Ingredients
- Description: Rich in fiber and nutrients. Easy to grow and harvest.
- Fried radish balls: 2 radish required
- Radish Veggie Soup: 1 radish is required
Location details for finding radish
- Location 1: Found in the woods
- Radish Location South of Don Winery: South of Don Winery you can get a bunch of carrots and radish from the vegetable gardens.
- Radish location at home near Stone Gate: Radishes can be picked from the Waypoint at Stone Gate near the solitary house on the south-east side.
- Position 4 – Springwall
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Genshin Impact Tire List
- S-Tire Characters in Genshine Impact
- 1. Diluk (Pyro, Claymore)
- 2. Wind (anemo, bow)
- 3. Quickie (ice, sword)
- 4. Razor (Electro, Claymore)
- 5. Fish (electro, bow)
- 6. Keking (Electro, Wall)
- A-tier characters in Jenshin Impact
- 7. Gene (anemo, sword)
- 8. Xiangling (Prio, Polarm)
- 9. Chongqing (Ice, Claymore)
- 10. Passenger (anemo, sword)
- 11. Xiao (Anemo, Polarm)
- B-Tier characters in Jenshin Impact
- 12. Mona (Water, Catalyst)
- 13. Barbara (Water, Catalyst)
- 14. Ningguang (Geo, Catalyst)
- 15. Passenger (Geo, Sword)
- 16. Klee (Pyro, Catalyst)
- 17. Bennett (Pyro, Sword)
- C-Tire characters in Jenshin Impact
- 18. Lisa (Electro, Catalyst)
- 19. Keita (Ice, Sword)
- 20. Noel (Geo, Claymore)
- 21. Sucrose (Anemo, Catalyst)
- 22. Sinkyu (water, sword)
- 23. Beedo (Electro, Claymore)
- D-Tire character in Jenshin Impact
Genesin Impact Download on PC, PS4 and Mobile (iOS, Android)
- PC
- Download and open the PC Client Launcher file.
- Check “I read and approve the Software License Agreement” and select “Install Now”.
- After completing the PC Launcher installation, select “Run Now” to run the launcher.
- Click “Get Game” to download game files of Genshin Impact.
- Download the game.
- Finally, click on the game to start the game.
- PS4
- To download Genshine Impact Download on PlayStation, go to the PSN Store
- Search for Genshine Impact
- Press download and the game will start downloading.
- Once downloaded, allow the installation to complete.
- Finally, tap on the game icon to start the game.
- iOS or Android
- Go to the related Apple Store and Google Play Store
- Search for Genshine Impact
- Click Install
- When done, open the app and it will start downloading in-game data
- The size will be 5.5GB, so the time it takes will depend on internet speed.
- When done, you can play the game.
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