My mother is an example of lifelong love and selfless service. My mother’s reign was unparalleled in its length, dedication and devotion. Even with tears we give thanks for this most faithful life. I am well aware of this profound heritage and the grave duties and responsibilities that have been handed down to me. In assuming these responsibilities, I will seek to follow the inspiring example set for me in upholding constitutional government and seeking peace, unity and prosperity for the people of these islands, as well as for nations and Commonwealth territories around the world. To this end, I know that I shall be sustained by the love and loyalty of the people, to whom I have been called as sovereign, and that, in the discharge of these duties, I shall be guided by the advice of their elected parliaments.
Through it all, I am greatly encouraged by the constant support of my beloved wife. I take this opportunity to confirm my willingness and intention to continue the tradition of surrendering hereditary revenues, including crown properties, to the Government for the benefit of all, in exchange for a sovereign grant that supports my official duties as Head of State and Head of State. .
In fulfillment of the heavy task entrusted to me, I dedicate what remains of my life, I pray May Almighty God grant meThere is direction and His help.
Musicaholic. Twitter guru. Total bacon fanatic. Zombie ninja. Freelance student. Coffee fan. Gamer.