WhatsApp will soon look a little different. The first changes can already be seen in Messenger’s beta for a few users. We will tell you what users can expect here.
With a future update, WhatsApp will adjust its own design a bit. Like WABetaInfo Reported, This is mainly about what is called a “media caption”. It appears under status messages from other users. WhatsApp users can easily send messages to others and respond to someone else’s status. In the future, the caption will be more in line with the general design of WhatsApp.
As you can see in the first preview, the chat bar is now more clearly highlighted and rounded. Also, move to the button bar for images and other media attachments to maintain a clear look. It also makes it clear to users that there is an option to add media. Last but not least, the Send button is minimized and the recipient’s name is displayed directly below it. So far, the name has always been on the left.
When does WhatsApp adapt to design?
So far, the changes are only in the preview version of WhatsApp. Even if you download the current beta version of Messenger, you will probably not see the design. This is because WhatsApp is still actively developing redesigns. So it will take some time until a beta version and a final version.
The Messenger service has not yet announced a date for the update. Developers are currently trying to clarify the new guidelines for Messenger. The final result for the WhatsApp terms and conditions is May 2021. If users still do not agree to the terms and conditions, the first plans already exist Gradually manage WhatsApp accounts.
Problem solver. Incurable bacon specialist. Falls down a lot. Coffee maven. Communicator.