The Milky Way is getting more and more beautiful
After midnight we can appreciate the Milky Way at the end of spring, but when the astronomical darkness persists, it will look very beautiful before dawn, just before 3pm. It can be seen a bit even in astronomical evenings, but at this point the arc gradually fades. This period is the best time to observe from dark enough sky locations, to photograph the center of the Milky Way, or to photograph the colorful nebula around the constellation Scorpio Roe Ofuichi.
May 1 near Venus-Jupiter reunion
There was a similar morning Venus-Jupiter meeting in 2014, and those who get up early can expect such a sight.
Source: Monica Landy-Gibner
The two brightest planets are very close, only about 20 arcs apart, which means that they separate only about two thirds of the full moon’s diameter. Although both planets are very bright, in the bright skies of the evening navigation, remember that you should look for them in the morning, so it is worth getting up early to get together. The pair will be 3 degrees above the horizon near our eastern borders at 04:15, at 04:25 at Budapest and at 04:35 at the western borders. Then we are sure to see them again in half an hour, but they will look very beautiful if the sky background is not more clear. Because of the height above the smaller horizon, we need an observation point from which we can get a better view of the eastern horizon.
Mercury and the boys and the moon on the evening of May 2nd
3.5 percent lunar, Mercury and boys in the evening sky.
Source: Stellarium
Triple coexistence can be observed after dusk at the bottom of the northwest sky. At 3.5 percent brightness, the moon is a very beautiful, thin scythe, of course, the inevitable light of the earth, you can see Mercury at 2.5 degrees to the right, and then to its right, son.
Light conditions similar to coexistence can be expected.
Source: You Sent / Salton Capiller
The ideal observation time on our eastern frontiers starts at 9pm, in Budapest from 9:10pm and 9:20pm on the west, and we have more than half an hour until sunset.
Sandhya Chandrakkala on May 3
7.7 percent of the Earth’s light is the moon
Source: Sent by you / Gabor Balas
This evening, at the beginning of the evening, the scythe will glow 7.7 percent, and the ideal time to observe it would be 21:30 near our western borders, 21:20 in Budapest, and 21:10 in the east. You can see the twilight of the earth’s light this evening too!
The planets in the morning are still beautiful
You can still appreciate the four good morning planets that do not sleep well, and unfortunately the nights are getting shorter and shorter, so we need to get up early to see something more from the planets. On the 11th, Venus, Jupiter, and Mars will appear 10-10 degrees below the eastern sky, and then 24 degrees south of Mars until Saturn. To observe, you should arrive at our observation point with a good view a few minutes after 4 p.m. As Venus approaches the Sun, it is not too late to enjoy this view, so it is worth taking advantage of the beginning of May.
May meteorites
The largest Aquarius meteorite from the southern hemisphere of the Reunion Island. This meteorite is a great experience for the inhabitants of the southern hemisphere, but even here it is not trivial.
Source: APOD / NASA / Luc Perrot
The maximum number of meteorites of Eta Aquarids occurs on May 6, in the hours before dawn, without moonlight. Since the radius of the constellation Aquarius unfortunately rises only in the early morning, practically 3 hours later we can see very fast meteorites from this constellation. At maximum time, 5-8 meteors can appear per hour, which is not excessive, but due to the low level radian, they travel through a long celestial orbit, so they can be beautiful. The interesting thing about this meteorite is that the parent sky is Comet 1P / Halley.
Epsilon Lyrids are still active, peaking on May 10, but this group actually measures its shooting stars moderately, reaching 2-3 per hour, and has a radian near the Land constellation. Due to the low performance, it is not worth preparing for.
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