The interactive film fun on Netflix started with “Black Mirror: Bandersnatch” (Interactive Review) and now the streaming provider is pursuing an animated adventure. However, in “Cat Burger”, you seem to determine the variety of options for action by choosing routes, instead answering quiz questions to guide the hero to the goal. If you answer incorrectly, a negative scene that annoys the main character is best portrayed in the old “Tom & Jerry” style. However, in terms of intensity, “Cat Burglar” is sometimes more reminiscent of “itch & scratch” … However, instead of cats and mice, there is a cat and a watch dog. It is also reminiscent of Robert Delaney’s character in the historical “Cat Berglers” film “The Simpsons” already taken in one episode (S05E11, “The Springfield Vigilante”).
Here is the official trailer for the interactive cartoon Brawl Cat Bergler starring Rowdy and Peanut:
“Meet the classic cartoon crazy CAT BURGLAR with an interactive quiz. , The viewer can play CAT BURGLAR a hundred times, do not watch the same cartoon twice!
I find this principle exciting, and the classic cartoon presentation offers all sorts of possibilities for exaggerated representations. After all, I find the principle fascinating with the different lives you must save to reach the end. Time shows how many runs you really need to play.
The interactive cartoon Cat Kat Bergler will be available to watch and play on Netflix from Tuesday, February 22, 2022. here it is Direct link to the streaming pageWhere you can set up a reminder to get started easily and interactively!
Wannabe twitter trailblazer. Troublemaker. Freelance beer evangelist. Amateur pop culture nerd.