The idea had been circulating on the Tories’ side for some time, and the letter fell: Boris Johnson’s government wants to privatize Channel 4. According to Culture Minister Nadeen Doris, the desire is to “make the channel competitive.” As Charlie Parsons, founder of the production company Planet 24, reminds us, against streaming giants like Netflix and Amazon, “Netflix feeds on Channel 4 and the BBC,” and, of course, on the platform, there are many programs that actually broadcast on the British network. IT Crowd, Father Ted Or Black Mirror.
The uniqueness of Channel 4 is that it is a public service channel so taxpayers (unlike the BBC) do not pay. Advertising allows you to invest in innovative and creative programs, often produced by independent companies. “(Channel) exists to provide a public service to the British like very important programs Channel 4 News Where The unreported worldWhat Netflix and Amazon never did, “Dorothy Byrne, the channel’s former news manager, summed up. BBC. So, why not do it without a front end that is costly and sometimes endangers the sustainability of secret production companies?
Political decision
Well, at these innovative events, great freedom of tone remains. Even if it is Black Mirror Rumors of a former prime minister taking over to make an episode (National anthem) Or JT journalists like John Snow Never hesitated To say what he felt about Boris Johnson, it does not satisfy everyone. In addition, the network has been hostile to Brexit since its inception, with various reports explaining what the withdrawal from the EU could lead to: high prices for basic necessities, labor shortages, and problems with Northern Ireland (all true today).
Therefore, a political decision, among others, was made by director Asif Kapadia (Amy, Maradona), Could have been subsidized, by chain at the beginning of its career. “Boris Johnson and his Conservative government sell C4 and they hate doing C4. The Tories are attacking democracy, culture, art as well as anyone who dares to be accounted for Channel 4 News (News). They have set out to destroy the land. We must retaliate, ”he wrote Twitter.
The sale of the network still needs to be validated by Parliament and divided on the subject, even within Boris Johnson’s own party – the problems of the evening in prison or the party’s relations with the Russians are already somewhat weak, let alone Brexit, which is not working. Former Culture Minister Jeremy Hunt (Tory) said Sky News “Channel 4 offers competition to the BBC on non-profit public service programs – it’s a shame to lose.” A petition Started and collected about 315,000 signatures.
Wannabe twitter trailblazer. Troublemaker. Freelance beer evangelist. Amateur pop culture nerd.