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HomeTop News"Beyond What We See In Our Solar System" (Weekend Feature)

“Beyond What We See In Our Solar System” (Weekend Feature)

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Diamond Exoplanet

“The search for planets is the search for life,” he said Battle of Natalie, Kepler mission scientist at NASA’s Ames Research Center. In the search for habitable planets like Earth, from time to time something really strange appears, more than anything else in our solar system.

The “Exoplanet Period” October officially began in October 1995, Nobel laureates Michael Meyer And Didier Qulos The first discovery of a planet outside our solar system reveals that a solar energy star orbits in our home galaxy, the Milky Way – Planet 51 Pegasi B, a gas ball comparable to Jupiter, the largest gas giant in the Solar System. Their discovery marked the beginning of a revolution in astronomy, with the discovery of 4,100 exoplanets in the Milky Way. Strange new worlds are discovered almost every day.

The “Extreme Life” of the Milky Way

A group of researchers from Arizona State University (ASU) and the University of Chicago have announced these bizarre “things”. New study Published in the Journal of Planetary Science. The team determined that under the right conditions, some carbon-rich exoplanets could be made of diamonds and silica. “The planets in this solar system are not like anything else in our solar system,” says the famous author. Harrison Allen-Sutter ASU’s School of Earth and Space Exploration.

Diamond Worlds

When stars and planets form, they are made from the same gas cloud, so their bulk compositions are similar. A star with a low oxygen to carbon ratio would have Earth-like planets with a very small diamond content of silicates and oxides (about 0.001% of the Earth’s diamond content).

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But exoplanets around stars with higher carbon to oxygen ratios than our Sun are more likely to be rich in carbon. Alan-Sutter and co-authors hypothesized that these carbon-rich exoplanets could be converted to diamond and silicate, creating a diamond-rich structure if water were present (abundant in the universe).

“Island Worlds” – a whole new frontier of exoplanets

Testing the concept

To test this theory, the research team needed to simulate the interior of carbide exoplanets using high heat and high pressure. To that end, they used high-pressure diamond-unwin cells in co-author Shims Lab for Earth and Planetary Materials. First, they immersed the silicon carbide in water and reduced the sample between the diamonds to a very high pressure. Then, to monitor the reaction between silicon carbide and water, they performed laser heating at the Argon National Laboratory in Illinois, taking X-ray measurements and heating the sample with laser high pressures.

As they predicted, silicon carbide at high temperature and pressure would react with water to form diamond and silica.

“Evidence of Existence”

Some astronomers say it is irrelevant whether or not other organisms have been found in the Milky Way or other galaxies. The fact that we are here gives a ‘existential proof’ as it is called in mathematics. But so far, the search continues. Planetary scientists and astronomers use state-of-the-art equipment in space and Earth to find the right traits for the planets and to find the right places around the stars where life can exist.

“Neighboring planets may be ‘early-Earth’ stage of life” – Carl Sagan Institute

However, the carbon-rich planets at the center of this study may not have the qualities needed for life. Although Earth is geographically active (carbon-rich planets are difficult to geographically activate, the lack of this geographical function makes the atmosphere uninhabitable, ” he said, adding that the atmosphere is critical to life because it’s harder to withstand the pressure of the atmosphere than it does to allow air and space to breathe.

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“This is an additional step in helping to understand the growing and improving observations of exoplanets and their characteristics, regardless of habitation,” says Alan-Sutter. “As we learn more, we will be able to interpret new data from future missions, such as the James Webb Space Telescope and the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope, to understand worlds beyond our own solar system.”

Daily Galaxy, Sam Cabot, by the way Arizona State University

Image credit: Shutterstock license

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