Science does not know everything, but religion knows nothing.

Lars Alm says that religion makes you believe in improbable and irrational ideas. Photo: Bora Ocean / Shutterstock / NTB
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That’s wrong Science and belief in God are not mutually exclusive. In his July 11 post, the priest Arne Mullen called many of the famous scholars of the past legitimizing it. Court True value (it does not) believes that it matches belief and science.
Yes, scientists can be theologians, and theology prevents anyone from studying science. But most researchers are atheists, so we might say that atheism and science are compatible, or that atheism is more compatible with science than theology. We can say that football and faith in God are ideal, because there are so many football players who believe, not to mention plumbers who believe.
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He responds: Should science sincerely begin when scholars stop believing in God?
Anything A believer can basically reconcile faith in God by applying it, but in the end it becomes meaningless. You can name as many great scientists as you want as believers, but that does not legitimize your belief in God as right.
Many famous modern scholars are atheists, such as Stephen Hawking, Richard Dawkins or Sean Carol. Of course, just because they do not believe in God does not mean that God does not exist. But most scholars today are atheists, and this shows that science is fundamentally a non-theological discipline.
Belief in God and science Do not match because they come to contradictory conclusions and have contradictory methods of revealing the truth. Theology convinces you of improbable and irrational ideas about supernatural events, such as the non-creation of the divine universe and the resurrection from the dead. Science rejects all of this, and instead arrives at tentative conclusions about the world that are confirmed by observation, experiment, and experiment.
Lars Alm believes that God is an unscientific idea. Photo: Private
In contrast to the scientific empirical methodology, theological or religious truth is confirmed by adherents, the Scriptures, subjective experiences, pseudoscience (creationism), and authority. In religion, it is a virtue to believe in something despite the lack of objective evidence. This is unacceptable in science. There is no reliable way for faith to reach the truth, but it has a scientific method.
Not God A scientific theory, but an unscientific idea. The idea of a universe creator fails because it cannot be tested or demonstrated by scientific methods. Neither philosophy, theology nor metaphysics confirms God, because God’s general arguments are flawed by many logical errors. Science does not know everything, but religion knows nothing.
I give one last word to one of the most important scientists in history, Albert Einstein:
“I do not believe in a personal God, I have never denied it, but it has been clearly expressed. If there is anything in me that can be called religion, it is the boundless respect for the structure of the world as much as it can reveal to our structure.”
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