File – This exposure image, taken on August 20, 2020, shows a view of the Milky Way rising in the sky above the Judean Mountains in the occupied West Bank between Palestine Jericho and Israel’s Ain Gedi.
A recent study published in the Journal of Astrobiology found that our galaxy contains more than a dozen “superhabitable” worlds.
Astronomers have identified 24 “Earth-like” worlds in the Milky Way “Life is Better Than Our Earth” According to a study by geologist Dirk Schulz-Makuch and astronomers Rene Heller and Edward Guinan..
Although there are more than 4,000 exoplanets in the Milky Way, astronomers say the list of the best competitors can host many life-sustaining elements.
One Warning Scientists say that while some planets may have all the elements needed to support life, this does not mean that life exists on one of these “superhabitable” planets.
“It is important to understand that a planet is habitable but inanimate, because the origin of life never happened. This may be because the environmental limitations for the origin of life are much stricter than the very existence of life, ”says the study.
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Furthermore, during this study, the focus of this project was not to look at a perfect mirror image of our earth, but to look beyond the exact twins to our home in the hope of finding something similar but sustainable. The history of the earth is also taken into account.
“In fact, Earth’s natural history shows that habitation fluctuates significantly compared to geographical ions. This refers not only to major asteroid impacts or other disasters that have wiped out large areas of the biosphere, but also to long-lasting snowball earth events that have conquered the biosphere for millions of years (Ward and Brown Onley, 2000), ”the study said.
One of the 24 planets believed to be “superhabitable,” most importantly, fits all the criteria used by scientists to determine what enables a planet to support life.
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“One of the candidates (KOI 5715.01) meets all three criteria, but when using the gray atmospheric model, global temperatures are predicted to be lower than Earth, which includes an estimate of a greenhouse effect,” the study says.
However, the study says that none of the 24 planets, including KOI 5715.01, is 100 light-years away.
“Although none of these planets and planetary candidates are closer than 100 light-years away and are inaccessible to high-quality observations from NASA’s Tesla mission, we argue that the known exoplanet sample today may contain superhabitable planets.”
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Astronomers consider a number of factors that help determine what makes a planet “superhabitable,” including the lifespan of a star orbiting the planet. Studies suggest that even after 3.5 billion years of life on Earth, technologically advanced life has only about 4 billion years to appear on the planet. Therefore, the age of a star will depend on if any of the planets in its orbit have the opportunity to create life.
Another factor is the makeup of the planet, for example, does it contain an earth-like core, mantle, and crust? In this particular study, scientists suggest that a larger planet and a warmer, more humid planet could actually replace the Earth.
In addition, a perfectly sized moon can create or destroy a planet’s ability to support life. In this study, astronomers said that the Earth provided all the ingredients needed to create a habitable planet, and that the size of the Moon is actually a large part of it. The size and distance of the Earth’s moon create an equilibrium for tides. If the moon is any closer or larger, “Earth’s habitat may be worse because of the tidal locking imposed by the gravitational pull imposed by such an imaginary moon. Once in tidal locking, the Earth’s day length can be many times its contemporary value, which can dramatically affect the surface distribution of sunlight as an external source of energy. ”
Despite these observations, scientists say the ultimate determination to find another habitable planet is to be able to examine the history of the planet’s evolution, which is virtually impossible, the study says.
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“Our goal here is not to identify potential targets for follow-up observation, but to make it clear that super-habitable worlds may already be included in the discovered planets,” the study continued.
However, this does not mean finding someone else, perhaps the best “superhabitable” planet is impossible.
“If such a planet is found within the next 100 light-years, such a world would be a higher priority for further observations of solar system life than Earth-like planets,” the study concluded.
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