Apple has introduced the Homepod Mini in three new colors this evening. This means the HomePod Mini is now available in white and space gray as well as three bold new colors: orange, yellow and blue. At just 8.4 cm tall, the HomePod Mini offers the best music experience, with Siri’s intelligence and smart home functions built-in data protection and security. The seamless integration into all Apple products and services makes the Homepod Mini the ultimate intelligent speaker for any Apple device owner. The HomePod Mini is available in new colors, white and space gray with coordinated details such as tinted touch surface, mesh, volume symbols and braided power cable for only യൂറോ 99 including VAT. The Homepod Mini is designed to entertain Apple Music, Apple podcasts, thousands of radio stations, including award-winning Apple Music 1, as well as popular music services such as Pandora and Dieser. More information about the new Homepod Mini can be found here Apple.
Apple introduces Homepod Mini in new colors -> Description by Apple
In addition to white and space gray in orange, yellow and blue, the HomePod Mini is now available in three bold new colors. The Homepod Mini delivers awesome sound, works seamlessly with the iPhone, has Siri intelligence, and is the basis of every smart home. At just 8.4 cm tall, the HomePod Mini offers the best music experience, Siri intelligence and smart home functionality. The HomePod Mini is designed to work on thousands of radio stations and music services, including the newly introduced Apple Music Voice subscription. Rich and detailed sound experience is possible with computational audio and bespoke hardware, including the Apple S5 chip. The HomePod Mini works seamlessly with the iPhone to stream music or receive personalized listening instructions when a device is nearby. Intercom is the fastest way to send messages from one homepod to another, or to everyone in a home via iPhone, iPod, Apple Watch, AirPods and CarPlay.
New Homepod Mini -> Prices and Availability
The Homepod Mini is available in yellow, orange, and blue in white and space gray for 99 euros, including the / Store and VAT on the Apple Store and Apple Store. The Homepod Mini will be available from Apple authorized resellers and selected wireless carriers. Customers in Australia, China, Germany, UK, France, Hong Kong, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Canada, Mexico, New Zealand, Austria, Spain, Taiwan and the USA can purchase the HomePod Mini in November. The Homepod Mini is compatible with iPhone SE, iPhone 6S or 7th generation iOS 15, iPod Pro, 5th generation iPad or newer, iPod Air 2 or newer or iPod Mini 4 or newer.
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