For the first time, scientists have discovered that light emanates from a black hole, fulfilling a prediction based on Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity, CNN writes.
Dan Wilkins, an astronomer at Stanford University, and his colleagues observed an X-ray emitting a supermassive black hole in the center of a galaxy 800 million light-years away.
Supermassive black hole closest to Earth / NASA photo
These flashes of light are not uncommon, because although light cannot escape from a black hole, the large gravitational pull around it heats the material to millions of degrees. It can emit radio waves and X – rays. Sometimes this very hot object is emitted into space by rapid explosions, including X-rays and gamma rays.
However, D. Wilkins later noticed small X-ray flashes of different colors – they spread from the far side of the black hole.
Wilkins, a researcher and researcher at the Cowley Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology at Stanford University, said: “No light enters the black hole.
However, the strange nature of the black hole allowed such a phenomenon to occur. “This is because the black hole distorts space, bends light and orbits magnetic fields,” he said.
“Fifty years ago, when astronomers began to speculate about how a magnetic field would work near a black hole, one day they did not know how we could directly observe it and see how Einstein’s theory of relativity works,” said Roger Blandford. , Co-author.
A. Einstein’s theory has not lost its relevance for hundreds of years, and new astronomical discoveries have been made to support it. The general theory of relativity describes how massive objects called space-time shape the structure of the universe. A. Einstein’s gravity is not created by an invisible force, but by the distortion of space-time.
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