In relation to Rajeev Swagriham, most of the flats in Bandlaguda and Pochar lean towards 3BHK and 3BHK Deluxe.
Payment of works up to 500 persons
Today, Hyderabad: Most flats in Bandlaguda and Pochar are 3BHK and 3BHK Deluxe with regards to Rajeev Swagriham. So far 500 people have taken DD as token advance…out of which up to 300 people have opted for those two types of flats. It is learned that earlier Rajiv Swagriha flats in Bandlaguda and Pocharam were drawn. 35,000 applied for registration fee. But only 900 of those who got flats in lottery came forward to buy flats by giving token advance. Apart from this, all types of flats in Bandlaguda and Pocharam are currently left up to 2300.
In this context, it is known that the authorities have given another chance to all those who have already paid Rs. It was decided to allot flats to such people once again by drawing lots if token advance is given. But if fewer people advance the token than the vacant flats… will be handed over without a lottery. If there are more applicants than flats, a draw will be held and the winners will be allotted. Rest of the advance amount will be refunded. 2BHK and 1BHK are not popular so they are easily available. 1 lakh for 1 BHK, Rs 2 lakh for 2 BHK, Rs 3 lakh for 3 BHK and deluxe flats as per token advance to participate in the latest lottery. 26 of this month has been fixed as the last date for this advance payment. This date is also likely to be extended in view of the continuous holidays, official sources said. It is said that 15-30 days can be added.
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