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HomeTop NewsAldo Giordano is the new Apostolic Nuncio to the European Union -...

Aldo Giordano is the new Apostolic Nuncio to the European Union –

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Pope Francis has appointed Apostolic Nuncio to the European Union. Aldo Giordano, 66, of Cuneo, Archbishop of Tamada, is currently a nun to Venezuela. According to the information portal of the Holy See “Vatican News”, he succeeded. Alain Paul Lebupin, who ended his term in November last year. The appointment coincides with Europe Day, which falls on Sunday, May 9.

Giordano was born on August 20, 1954, in Cuneo, Mons., And was ordained a priest in 1979. He holds a bachelor’s degree from the Theological Faculty of Northern Italy in Milan and a license in philosophy from the Pontifical Gregorian University. He devoted himself to Nietzsche’s thought for doctoral research. While studying in Rome, he assisted as an assistant parish vicar in the parish of the RSS. Sacramento in Prenestina.

From 1982 to 1996 he was Professor of Philosophy at Interdiocesan Theological Sciences and at the Higher School of Religious Sciences in Fosano (Cunio). At the diocesan level he taught the history of philosophy for a few years in the classical high school of the seminary, conducted ethics courses at the Theological School for the laity, and collaborated as vice parish priest at St. Pius Parish. The diocesan pastoral care followed the X, politics, economics, medicine, and culture of Cuneo. Dedicated research and publication on contemporary philosophy, morality, and the theme of Christianity and Europe.

On May 15, 1995, he was elected Secretary General of the Council of European Bishops’ Conference (CCEE) and moved to the headquarters of the Secretariat in St. Gallen (Switzerland). He has held this office for 13 years in the service of fellowship and cooperation with European bishops. In 2002, he was ordained chaplain of His Holiness. Introduced to His Holiness in 2006. Nuncio was appointed permanent observer of the Holy See at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg in 2008 and to Venezuela in 2013. . In September 2013 he published a book: Another Europe Possible, Christian Ideas and Perspectives for the Old Continent, in which he collected experiences and reflections of 20 years of service to the Church in Europe. He is fluent in French, English, German and Spanish.

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“Church – Monsignor Giordano underlined in an interview with Vatican Radio I want Europe to be more attractive. As always in the global perspective, we are interested in the process of unification that will make our continent more stable. The church has always had a very wide horizon, and the interest is for all men and for all nations. We need a more attractive and sustainable Europe, because in this way it will be able to contribute more to the transfer of gifts to other parts of the world. “

At the same time he reflected on the question of values: “When we make a list of values ​​that are easily accepted, we still agree that human dignity, liberty, brotherhood, equality, and the rights of minorities are recognized as values. The question arises when we want to give content to values. At this time we are often seen empty-handed, because the same value can be used for very different discourses or contradict each other. Human dignity is mentioned today in many speeches, speeches for life and speeches against life. So, the problem is the content, and the problem is also the basis of the values. I believe that the church and Christians can make a great contribution to the foundation, interpretation and content of values. In the global perspective we urgently need to have universal values ​​that transcend the relativity of individual cultures or governments, legislatures or even religions. I think this is an important contribution of the church. “

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