Santa is getting ready Christmas on Earth At the North Pole of the Earth, angels enter a holiday celebration South Pole of Mars. One week before Christmas, a spacecraft discovered an “angel shape” and a large heart at the South Pole of Mars.
This week, the European Space Agency’s Mars Express’ high-resolution stereo camera “defined wings in the shape of an angel, complete with halo”, and captured a large heart nearby. The pair of festive silhouettes appear in red, in stark contrast to the light tan color of the sand of Mars around them.
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Accordingly Space Agency, Due to their dark color, the minerals found on earth are pyroxene and olivine.
The South Pole, which is currently experiencing summer, is located outside the frame, to the right of the view. During the winter on Mars, the area is covered in ice caps about a mile thick and 250 miles wide – but, for now, ice stores are at their lowest annual level.
Officials said the angel’s hand, which appears to be reaching to the left, was probably a large supply pit – the depression on the planet’s surface as it turned to ice gas in the summer.
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The angel’s head and light appear to have formed when a celestial body fell on the planet, revealing surface layers that provide a direct view of the long history of Mars. The heart is the result of rocks formed by erosion.
The dusty demons on Mars to the left of the image also show the beautiful landscape. Strong winds blow dust off the surface, forming dust demons commonly found on the Red Planet.
The South Pole of Mars has been in the spotlight for months following the discovery by scientists Three new underground lakes – and the possibility of many other things – indicates the possibility of microbial survival.
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