Research reveals that only 30% of the Brazilian population trusts the armed forces
247 – The Bolsonerista tragedy tarnished the image of Brazil’s armed forces. This is what Ipsos research published in Folha de S. Paulo by columnist Mônica Bergamo points out. “Brazilians are among those who do not trust their armed forces compared to the inhabitants of other countries. This revelation was made in a survey conducted by the Ipsos Institute in 28 countries from May to June. According to the survey, only 30% of Brazilians believe in the military. The rate is the same as that obtained between the Poles. Colombians (29), South Africans (28 %), this is not less than observed among South Koreans (25%)” , The columnist writes.
“The Brazilian rate is 11 percentage points above the global average of 41 percent. The feeling of trust has also decreased compared to last year, when 35% of Brazilians said they trust the military,” the journalist adds. 64% of Brazilians who responded to the survey pointed to teachers as the most trusted group. This was followed by scientists (61%) and doctors (59%). The online survey polled 21,000 adults from around the world. “On May 27 and June 10, 1,000 of them were born and live in Brazil,” he points out.
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