The management of the France Under-20 men’s team announced the structure of the match against Ireland today, Friday 24th June at 8pm in Verona.
ASM Espoirs team members Baptiste Jauneau and Kilian Tixeront will open the meeting.
They will also evolve with USAP’s second tier Samuel M. Fowdy, who will join the Clermont Training Center this summer.
Premium Elvis Vermeulen, new ASM Clermont Espoires coach: “I’m a tough but fair coach”
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French team. Oriac; Randall, Gailton (hat), Deporter, Biel-Biare; (O) bard, (m) yellow; Baudon, Tixarond, della Shia; Labarthe, M, Fowdy; Yemsi, Sa, Moukoro.
Substitutes: Montgillard, Pacheco, Bellemond, Portot, Banos, Cologne, Torrell, Garcia, Suta, Darrell, Massey.
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