Rubicon Capital Advisors (“Rubicon”), one of the world’s leading investment banking firms specializing in the fields of infrastructure, energy and digital, has been appointed as the Exclusive Sales Side Financial Advisor to Elgin Energy Holdings (“Elgin”). 519MW portfolio of 519MW portfolio photovoltaic projects and 70MW of energy storage capacity on the same sites (“portfolio”) by Scottish Power Renewables (UK) Ltd (“terminated by Scottish Power”). The global energy utility Iberdrola Group will operate.
Portfolio sales are the largest PV system deal in Great Britain to date. It includes twelve projects in England, Wales and Scotland, which are in the pre-construction phase and have a total capacity of 519 MW. The portfolio also includes a 70 MW battery storage solution, which is in the advanced stages of development.
“We are delighted to have reached this important milestone and to be collaborating with Iberdrolla / Scottish Power Renewables on this portfolio. We will continue to expand and implement our 5GW project pipeline in the UK, Ireland and Australia. We will work closely with property owners, local authorities and all other parties involved. Said Ronan Kildaf, CEO of Elgin Energy.
This portfolio will play an important role in the UK’s 2050 Net Zero Strategy, as it not only generates low-cost carbon emissions, but also energizes 143,000 households across the UK and contributes significantly to the region’s economy. Made without carbon emissions.
“We have a proven track record of working with global developers and extensive renewable energy portfolios around the world. We are delighted to be advising you on the largest solar and battery storage deal to date in the UK. The deal is a breakthrough in many ways: it sets new standards in the UK and internationally, both in terms of scale and integration of photovoltaic systems, and in terms of large battery storage in a single asset portfolio. In addition, the deal is a good example of Rubicon’s commitment to be at the forefront of ESG initiatives, especially as they relate to action on global climate change. So did Barry Oflin, Managing Director von Rubicon.
Ber Rubicon Capital Advisors
Rubicon is one of the leading investment banking institutions in the world, specializing in the fields of infrastructure, energy, digital and utilities. The company operates locations in Europe, North, South America and Asia and expands globally. Since its inception in 2011, Rubicon has completed sales, acquisitions or refinancing of over 100 major infrastructure, energy, digital and utility assets in Europe, North America, Latin America and Asia. The company is controlled by the Central Bank of Ireland. Its US subsidiary is a member of FINRA and SIPC and is a broker-dealer registered with the US Securities and Exchange Commission. For more information about the company, visit: Follow Rubicon Capital Advisors LinkedIn.
About Elgin Energy
Elgin is a full service utility scale developer for energy, solar and storage power plants, from start-up to development projects. The company has a portfolio of late stage projects of more than 5GW in three major markets, the UK, Australia and Ireland.
In 2021, Elgin Energy received funding from the Berrenberg Green Energy Fund to develop 1.36GW PV projects in the UK and Ireland, and raised 25 25 million through Focus Capital Partners to support growth strategic funding in its key markets. In 2020, the company entered into two separate portfolio deals of 276 MW with the Forsyth Group and Metca-EGN for UK solar development projects. That same year, the company’s two solar projects in Ireland won the first Irish auction (RESS-1) of the Renewable Energy Support Scheme (RESS). In addition, Elgin Energy completed 21 solar power projects with a total capacity of 230 MW before the UK Government’s Renewables Obligations Scheme (ROCs) expires in 2017.
In collaboration with long-term strategic partners, Elgin Energy is implementing projects to the commissioning stage. The company also offers lifecycle asset management services. Over the past twelve years, Elgin Energy has expanded internationally, with a professional team of engineers, accountants and lawyers from offices in London, Dublin (Ireland) and Sydney (Australia). LG has a 98% design success rate in all markets.
Overview at, Elgin Energy: LinkedIn
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Nicola Fitzpatrick
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Prone to fits of apathy. Unable to type with boxing gloves on. Internet advocate. Avid travel enthusiast. Entrepreneur. Music expert.