Irish authorities are worried after the Russians chose to start a construction project to expand the Moscow embassy in Dublin. The new investigation of security services is mainly focused on an underground car park that has already been built and caused a lot of confusion as there is plenty of parking space around the Russian Embassy building.
Ireland suspects that Russia Making one Secret espionage center in Dublin. According to local media reports, the Irish authorities were alarmed when the Russians chose to start a construction project to expand the Moscow embassy in Dublin. In particular, the alarm bell will ring after the discovery of the construction of an underground car park at the Russian Embassy. According to the Times, Irish homeland security officials have been accused of targeting construction work in the vicinity of the diplomatic mission, which has launched an investigation.
Dublin had blocked previous expansion plans of the Russian embassy
After all, already Previously, the Dublin government had put off previous expansion plans The Russian embassy even introduces emergency legislation citing security issues in the state. At the time, an assessment of the proposed development of the diplomatic headquarters, which would increase the size of the complex from 2,000 square meters to 10,000 square meters, established that the new buildings could be used as a base for espionage and intelligence gathering. Particular concerns have been identified about a building designed to incorporate military security features.
Suspicious parking
According to the Times, Irish authorities now suspect that the project is part of a new construction plan. The new investigation of security services will focus mainly Underground parking has already been built This created a lot of confusion as there was plenty of parking space around the Russian Embassy building. According to the Times, Russia wants to take advantage of the fact that Ireland is not a NATO member but has close ties with all Western countries. The special feature of the Russian Embassy in Dublin is that it serves as a data collection center for secret services throughout Europe.
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