New Delhi: WhatsApp Although the payment service (WhatsApp payment service) has started very slowly in the world, the company has made a big announcement today. The company said, WhatsApp People in the US are now using WhatsApp Pay with each other Cryptocurrency They can also transfer (transfer cryptocurrency using WhatsApp).
According to, WhatsApp CEO Will Cathcard and Novi’s CEO Stefan Casrell made the announcement. At the same time, Novi is also Meta’s digital wallet. WhatsApp introduced this feature to only a few people. This means that people with access to this feature can send and receive money through this messenger app.
According to Novi’s webpage, this service is a new way to send and receive money, and it’s free. It allows users to transfer money without leaving WhatsApp chat. Meanwhile, now Meta Facebook via Facebook Cryptocurrency This is not the first time a cryptocurrency payment plan has been introduced. In a 2018 report, Bloomberg stated that the company was operating on a ‘stable coin’.
Meanwhile, experts say the company is developing a stablecoin. It will be a kind of digital currency that will have very little fluctuation in relation to the US dollar. At the same time, these people do not have the authority to discuss the company’s internal plans. However, three years later, WhatsApp teamed up with Novi to allow people to transfer money using cryptocurrency. In addition to the US, the service is also being tested in Guatemala.
Web Title: Cryptocurrency Payment Launches on WhatsApp, Meta Allows Some Users to Send and Receive Money Through Novi Wallet
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