Another Saturday of protest against the Green Pass in Italy, to be precise 19. Initially a Milano A few dozen people appeared in the Piazza Fontana, and police were ready to lock the square and block access. In the meantime – as reported Newspaper – Hundreds of people in Arco della Paes are staging a sit-in protest against the pass, especially against the Draghi government. On the other hand, hundreds of people gathered at the Piazza del Duomo to cross the police barrier They mingled with tourists in Milan.
കുറച്ച് സമയത്തിന് ശേഷം, ഘോഷയാത്രയിൽ നിന്ന് പ്രകടനക്കാരെ പോലീസ് തടയുകയും തുടർന്ന് പ്രകടനം ആരംഭിക്കുകയും ചെയ്തു Identities. But most of them were not wearing masks. However, at some point, some no-green passes could break through the army and pass through Torino, Reached the columns of San Lorenzo with a procession. Eventually, police stopped protesters at the diocesan museum. And there will be at least one stop.
Then there were other protests In Trento and Rome. In the first case there were not about a hundred waxes and green passes, which later became more than two thousand. On the other hand, the flop in the capital: that Torchlight march against wax and certificate avoided Organized on social networks. Only a few people were present: the police who were there immediately recognized everyone.
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