Enterprise Ireland is at the forefront of supporting women’s innovation and entrepreneurship. And successfully.
In fact, 21 women were nominatedEU Prize for Women, Seven is Irish. 234 applications from 35 countries are one-third higher than last year.
The Irish nominations are: Anita Finnagan of Nova Lia, Sierra Clancy of Beatles Medical, and Lisa Maria T. of Votechnic. O’Donoghue, Patricia Scanlon of Soapbox Labs, Suzanne Moloney of Hydramed Solutions Ltd., Ailbe Keane, Easy Wheels of Easy Keels
The winners will be announced at the European Innovation Council Summit on November 24 and 25, 2021.
Ireland ranks fourth in the number of startups in the first EIC accelerator
Still Irish women are among the first call-winning startupsEuropean Innovation Council Accelerator (EIC) Under Horizon Europe. In July, 2,700 applications were submitted. Three months later, at the end of the exam, 65 projects, including five projects from Ireland, received 36 363 million.
Ireland ranks 4th in the number of projects funded by the European Commission in this first call, on par with Denmark and behind France, Germany and the Netherlands.
Enterprise Ireland-backed startups received a total of € 20.5 million in funding. Five winners: AVeta Medical, Akara Robotics CrannMED, Contego Sports, ProVerum.
5 startups for health and prevention
Paula Newell, CEO and Founder of Eveta Medical, points out:Funding from the EIC Accelerator has recognized the validity of our specific plan for women’s health. The goal is to make our medical device available immediately, a safe and hormone-free solution for millions of women, and a disabled vaginal atrophy who currently have no effective treatment.”.
Always in the medical field, ProVerum, A spin-out at Trinity College, Dublin, has developed a technology for the minimally invasive treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia, a very common disease among men of a certain age.
Instead, a new line of helmets for various sports was patented by Galway Contego Sports.
Akara Robotics Artificial intelligence applications have been developed for robots to improve sterilization and disinfection processes.
Experts ofEuropean Innovation Council
The European Council for Innovation Accelerator funds small and medium-sized enterprises, startups, and spin-outs to develop and develop revolutionary innovations, create new markets, and scale internationally.
Created in March 2021, EIC welcomes applications from innovators from all EU member states and countries associated with the Horizon Europe program, with a special focus on startups and SMEs with female CEOs.
Travel fan. Freelance analyst. Proud problem solver. Infuriatingly humble zombie junkie.