(ANSA) – London, November 16 – The anti-Kovid curfew resumes in the Republic of Ireland, where the government approves the early and mandatory closure of pubs, restaurants and nightclubs after 11.30pm on Thursday; It also revives the general recommendation to work from home for all who can do it. Dublin Prime Minister Michael Martin made the announcement during an ad hoc cabinet meeting.
In the new procedures – except for extensions, which are introduced for 4 weeks and some media even compare it to the new “semi-lockdown” – there are strict rules on precautionary isolation (up to 5 days) in case of contact with infected persons. Use of masks, cheaper offer of antigen tests, and thirdly extension of booster vaccine dose to those over 50s. Obligation to show vaccination green pass for admission to cinemas or theaters (but not to beauty salons or gyms).
In recent weeks, in the context of the neighboring United Kingdom, Ireland has experienced a record increase in infections (the wave then experienced a partial recession), which has always been more stringent than the British (despite the restrictions and precautions (for example in masks)). (On the handle).
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