It’s been five years Wages Of Italian teachers They still are. But that’s not all: a head teacher earns Double With a teacher or professor Fifteen years Behind the service. Euridice’s annual report “Salaries of teachers and school principals and allowances in Europe 2019-20” compares statistics on emulation of education systems. 38 countries. On the eve of the season, the trade unions have been sounding a warning bell for some time Renewal of contract. Minister of Education Patricio BianchiIn the coming months, he went on to say: “We will recognize the pay increase for teachers (and all school staff) At least 600 euros per month. I am well aware of the 1,200 people who distinguish Italian teachers from their average European counterparts. But that is only the beginning. A “shot” followed by a more modest statement: “We know very well that this is my own businessAddress documentPart of the contract should include the government as a whole.
The former minister also spoke about the pay hike Lucia Azolina (Conte II Government) and more. In 2017, on air Suction air, Then tenant of the field Trostever Valeria Fedeli (Gentiloni Government) said that a teacher’s salary should be “around” Three thousand euros per month“The same promise was made last year Stefania Giannini (Renzi Government): “If the pay base for public employment is increased – I think there are margins – I will fight first to increase the salaries of teachers,” he promised. Radio24. Despite all these principled statements, from 2016 to 2021 nothing It was never a sign again Close to teachers’ salaries. In fact: for the past ten years, according to the Eurydice report, even the salary Cut 0.5%.
Therefore, to read the report, the admission fee for a teacher in Italy varies 22 to 29 thousand euros per year, As in France, Portugal and Malta. Wages are higher in Belgium, Ireland, Spain, the Netherlands, Austria, Finland, Sweden, Iceland and Norway. 30 to 49 thousand a year. While in Denmark, Germany, Luxembourg and Sweden it also goes More than 50,000 per year. Worse than Italy, countries onlyIs EuropeHowever, in general the GDP is very low: wages in Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland and Romania are approx. 9 thousand euros Year, less so in Albania, Serbia and Turkey.
Also, with us, the initial salary of teachers can only be increased by 50%. 35 years later Of the school. To initiate an appeal to the Government for an improvement Unions, Those who are preparing to sit at the table to lay hands on the contract. Francesco SinopoliThe National Secretary of the FLC Sigil is clear in the question: “As teachers, we distinguish between principals and all public institutions in other parts of Europe. School is an area More than 50% of graduates (Six data) But with a salary At least Of everyone else. It is time to open a nationwide debate on recognition Professionalism Our teachers must be of interest to all. We can’t wait, especially in this historical context and at this moment when budget law is being discussed. “
In the same opinion Pino Turi, Uil Scuola Secretary: “This is an ancient question that is getting worse. Different governments have never shown success to each other. Real interest To invest. Now with this budget, if we want to achieve the goals of the National Recovery and Defense Plan, An attempt should be made. Unfortunately, the promises of politicians will also break the rocks of the Ministry of Finance this time. ”
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