According to statistics from the Swedish Public Health Agency, 4,593 Kovid-19 cases were reported in Sweden in the last 31 weeks.
This means that the infection has increased in the country for the fourth week in a row.
The worst situation is now in Gotland – an area with a relatively low infection rate over large parts of the epidemic.
Regional Gotland statistics show that 137 new cases were detected on the island last week. This corresponds to 227 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, which is five times the national average of 44 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.
“Bad compliance”
Maria Ameer, the regional Goatland’s infection control doctor, says the island’s population growth over the summer is affecting Gotland’s statistics. But even with that factor in mind, the prevalence of the infection has increased in recent weeks, they say.
– I think this is a consequence of the fact that we have had a marked breakdown in adherence to advice and restrictions since the concessions on July 15, which was with the holidays, says Maria Amar.
– We may be in some sort of safety as the rate of infection was low last summer. One might have thought that there was no great danger.
They are at risk of serious illness
Maria Amir explains that the vaccination situation in Gotland is good, and that there is still a high level of readiness to provide vaccinations. But despite being vaccinated, she still sees the risk of contracting a serious illness in Kovid-19 for those who do not develop complete protection and are unable to be vaccinated for a variety of reasons.
– We continue to have a large and important responsibility to help reduce the spread of infection.
Last week, Visby Hospital went into strengthening mode due to very high pressure on health care, however, this is not directly related to Kovid-19. On Monday, the level of preparation for local specialized health care management was raised.
– This is high search pressure and many people need inpatient treatment.
The risk of psychosis increased after Kovid-19
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