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An interesting animated planetary scientist who shows how fast an object falls on the surface of the Sun, Earth, Jupiter, Moon and Pluto. Revealed by James O’Donoghue.
Animation shows a ball falling 1 km to the surface of each object assuming no air resistance. For example, it takes the ball 2.7 seconds to fall that distance from the Sun, while it takes 14.3 seconds to land.
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“It should give you an idea of the gravity you feel in each object,” O’Donoghue said.
But what about the gravitational pull of the big planets against Earth? Interestingly, it takes 13.8 seconds for the ball to fall on Saturn and 15 seconds for Uranus.
On YouTube, O’Donoghue explains: “It may come as a surprise to see large planets pulling on their surface similar to smaller planets. For example, Uranus pulls the ball down more slowly than Earth! Why? Because average. Density” Low Uranus moves away from the vast majority of the surface. Similarly, Mars is twice as massive as Mercury, but its surface gravity is actually the same, indicating that Mercury is much larger than Mars. ”
Ceres comes from the most exciting place to play the ball, because the ball drops in one kilometer 84.3 seconds.
O’Donoghue was used alongside the input of astronomer Rami Manto Newspaper NASA Planetary Facts for Video Creation Reference.
He also mentioned the experiment of astronaut Dave Scott on the moon, one of the most famous gravitational experiments ever conducted.
If you put a feather and a hammer on the moon at the same time from the same height, both go down at the same time. This is because, without significant air resistance, all objects fall at the same rate (regardless of mass)
Apollo 15 Commander David Scott
– Dr. James O’Donoghue (ys Physics J) July 11, 2021
O’Donoghue has several great videos on his YouTube channel, including illustrations of the speed required to escape gravity from various objects in the solar system.
Source: Science Alert
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