- A year after the start of the health crisis, the barometer * says the level of depression among employees has exploded.
- Young people, women and managers are the most vulnerable population.
Almost non-stop telework, company financial stress, partial unemployment, constant reorganization organizations … have been testing employees for over a year, which makes them feel very depressed. According to the sixth wave of the Human Footprint Barometer (Special Prevention Specialization) Psychological risks) OpinionWay * Produced and unveiled on Tuesday, 45% of employees are mentally ill.
Even more serious: “Depression levels that need support among employees are exploding. This is down to 36% (+15 points compared to December 2020). The health crisis is turning into an employment crisis, ”said Christoph Guin, a work psychologist and president of Empire Humans.
Young people without benchmarks
Figures that obscure another reality depending on the profile. It is clear that young people are among the most affected by the context, as 62% of those under the age of 29 are in a state of mental distress (39% including depression). “They are losing their bearings with young recruiters Telecommuting. There is no one to help them understand their new job. “It simply came to our notice then. “Young people like to work in tribal areas and have a strong need for socialization, which is hampered by remote work. The rest of the time, it’s hard for them to live on parole, ”added Sandrin Levy-Amon, a psychologist at Stimulus, a specialist in the field of workplace mental health. “They went from a protected daily life with managers and co-workers to uncomfortable working conditions. This is worrying, ”says work sociologist Alain de Iriborn.
The fact that they often live in small apartments adds another layer: “Employees living below 40 m2 are overly vulnerable to mental distress (65%). The feeling of imprisonment is strong there, ”Christophe Guin continued. According to Magley Huss, a psychiatrist at Occupational Medicine in Eisenhower, the crisis underscores their vulnerability to the company: “CDD holders are aware of the risks involved in facing the company’s financial crisis. “Business”.
Mental health of vulnerable women
Another vulnerable public: women (53% of mental disorders). One person who did not surprise Sandrin Levy-Amon: “For those who work from home, it is more difficult to reconcile professional and personal life. Family life needs to be constantly reorganized in accordance with health regulations. Especially since they have less help than usual, you don’t have to keep a babysitter and take on more household chores. ” “For those with small children, having two days in one” is a bad situation, summarizes Alain de Iribarne.
The lack of a valve punishes them a lot, says Magali Huss: “Since the government’s announcements last Thursday, people contacting me through a listening cell have been explaining to me that they are living very poorly, unable to accept relatives. They have no escape, it’s a step back from their job. ” They are likely to experience what they have been experiencing for a long time: “After a serious crisis (31%) they are more likely to think about asking for a part-time job,” says Christophe Guin.
“Managers absorb a lot of pressure”
Managers are also vulnerable (48% say they are mentally distressed). This leads to a strong sense of isolation because 60% do not allow themselves to talk about their difficulties before engaging with their peers. “They show a kind of self-sacrifice, they invest themselves to help the team, they don’t have time to talk to other managers, they handle crisis like they do,” Christophe Guin observes. “Those who call me feel helpless in the poor condition of the people they oversee. They also refer to the increase in tensions, ”Magali Huss added.
Half also believe that teleworking prevents them from being handled properly. “They especially complain that the Ana team formal moments that allowed them to exchange messages during the coffee break are no longer with their team,” Christophe Guin underscores. The crisis demands, and they have more of a perception that it is between a rock and a hard surface: “Some of the suggestions from above are more difficult to convey. Sensitivity to change in particular can be very bad because it is so variable from one employee to another, ”says Alain de Iriborn. Sandrine Levy-Amon says: “Managers absorb a lot of stress, are receptors to their team’s frustration, and need to increase telephone contacts to maintain service synchronization. After a year, it fades away. ”
Immediate action
However, there are solutions to reduce the risk Burn out Among these employees. “Psychological risk references in companies need to be implemented urgently, and it is our responsibility to lead distressed employees to psychiatric support structures,” Christophe Guine first suggested. “It is essential to provide employees with a listening cell because talking about their work problems prevents them from being brought home,” Magali Huss adds.
Regarding teleworking, Christophe Guin believes that it is necessary to empower companies to reject the health protocol. This will allow some employees to come to the site more than one day a week, depending on the tonnage. ” Finally, managers should pay more attention to top management in mental health: “We should encourage them not to start their day early and not to hold a meeting between 12 noon and 2 pm. Don’t make last-minute organizational changes and attack them. “
* The sixth wave of the barometer “Impact of a health crisis affecting the mental health of employees” from March 1 to 12, 2021 The opinion for human footprints was modeled online using a sample of 2,004 employee representatives. Quotas related to gender, age, area of work, type of employer, and company size.
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