Nagar District Acol The incident took place in the taluk. Originally from Kolhapur, but now based in Pune, the three business friends were trekking over Kalsubai Peak over the weekend. Guru Sathyaraj Sekhar (age 42), Sameer Rajoorkar (age 44) and driver Satish Suresh Gule (age 34, a resident of Pimpri) were traveling in a car (MH14KY4079). They relied on Google Maps without knowing the route. Google showed them the nearest road from Kotul to Akole. This road is actually closed during the rainy season. This is because the bridge over it is under the water of the Pimpalgaon Khand Dam. No one walks on that road because the locals know. Currently, the bridge has about 20 feet of water. One is dark and the road is unknown. So, believing in Google Maps, Gule drove the car. However, she went straight into the deep water. Guru Sekhar and Sameer Rajurkar got out of the car and somehow escaped. Satish Gule dies
This bridge is closed when water enters. However, the local construction department did not place any notices or restrictions. The driver of the new car did not expect this in the dark. So it seems at first glance that this accident happened. People in the area came to the rescue after receiving information about the accident. Relatives of the victims also reached there. The car and the driver’s body were pulled out of the water.
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